51-year-old makes an average of $10,000 per month on JustAnswer: ‘Don’t rest on your laurels,’ she advises


 Nora Curl, 51, has been involved in the world of antiques for over two decades. She began by exploring auction houses and museums with friends during her time in Hollywood, where she developed a keen eye for identifying valuable antiques. Having realized her passion for this field, she pursued a degree in connoisseurship in fine and decorative arts in 2002. Following this, she worked in various roles within the industry, including positions at magazines, antique storage companies, and a gallery dealing with original works by renowned artists such as Norman Rockwell and Nelson Shanks.

In 2012, Nora moved back to her hometown in Pennsylvania to care for her mother, who has a rare congenital disease. It was at this point that she applied for a position providing online antique valuations on JustAnswer, an expert advice platform where users pay a monthly fee for access to specialists in diverse areas. Working full-time on the site since then, Nora has achieved substantial success, earning over $124,000 in 2022 alone.

Nora's advice for those aspiring to establish a similar online career revolves around continual self-investment. Despite her extensive experience, she believes in continuously expanding her knowledge and expertise. To this end, she completed a 15-hour course to become compliant with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and obtained accreditation from the International Society of Appraisers, enabling her to diversify her income streams.

She emphasizes that pursuing a career on platforms such as JustAnswer does not guarantee a consistent income. Thus, it's important to identify supplementary income opportunities within one's area of expertise. Nora herself has leveraged her credentials to establish an appraisal side business, attracting clients through the ISA website and providing appraisals for which she charges a substantial fee.

In summary, Nora's journey in the world of antiques showcases the importance of ongoing personal and professional development, as well as the potential for leveraging online expertise to create additional income streams.  

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