Job Interview

Mastering One-Way Interviews: Tips For Success

As the job market becomes more fast-paced, one-way interviews are becoming more prevalent.

These interviews are done through pre-recorded video responses to predetermined questions, which are then reviewed by hiring managers.

Companies use more automated pre-screening methods, including skills, personality tests, and one-way videos. As technology plays a more prominent role in hiring, job seekers may face a one-way interview before an in-person interview.

While this method offers some benefits such as convenience and flexibility, it also comes with its own set of challenges for job candidates.

What Is a One-Way Video Interview?

Employers use one-way interviews, also known as asynchronous interviews, to assess applicants. According to Flexjobs, the purpose is to determine if the candidate should be invited for the next round of interviews. During this stage, you will not have a direct conversation with an interviewer. Instead, you will receive written questions on your computer screen. Then, you can record and submit your answers to the employer through your computer's camera or mobile device. Afterward, the employer will review your submission to determine if you should be scheduled for an interview.

To help you succeed in one-way interviews and secure your desired job, here are some useful tips:

1) Understand the Format

You may need to log into an application or record your own video and send it manually, so make sure you first acquaint yourself with the platform or method provided. Familiarize yourself with the number of questions to be asked, the duration allotted for each response, and any technical prerequisites like camera and microphone settings.

2) Prepare Thoughtful Responses

Although one-way interviews lack real-time interaction, your responses should still be engaging and well-prepared. Write down a draft with your answers and, If possible, review it with a coach or colleague to ensure you highlight your skills in the narrative. It is widespread to underestimate core strengths and not mention or highlight them enough in interviews. One-way interviews are a great chance to discover our blind spots. Research common interview questions for your industry and practice delivering concise yet comprehensive answers. Focus on highlighting your skills, experiences, and achievements relevant to the role, and think of real-life examples from your past experiences. Interviews are mostly behavior-based, so examples are the best way to demonstrate your skills. Read More

3) Dress and Set the Scene

Treat a one-way interview as an in-person meeting. Dress professionally from head to toe, even if the camera only captures your upper body. Select a quiet, well-lit space for recording, free from distractions and background noise.

4) Maintain Eye Contact

When speaking to the camera, maintain eye contact to create a connection with the viewer. Avoid looking at your image or the questions on the screen, as this can be distracting and make you appear disengaged. Practicing speaking naturally and confidently before you start recording is a good idea to ensure you are comfortable and prepared.

5) Practice Time Management

It is important to find out if there is a time limit for each question before preparing for an interview. Sometimes, you have as much time as you need to answer, while other times you only get a few moments to think before the recording starts. Career expert Toni Frana suggests taking advantage of this time to collect your thoughts before speaking, you don’t need to rush in this type of interview.

If there is no set time limit, it is recommended to set a soft stop based on the total number of questions to ensure the interview is not too short or too long. Generally, aim to spend 1 to 2 minutes answering each question. To make the most of your time, it is a good idea to practice answering questions while keeping track of the time.

6) Review and Edit

Most platforms allow you to review and re-record your responses before submitting them. It is highly recommended to take advantage of this feature to review your performance, identify areas that need improvement, and make necessary edits to enhance the clarity and impact of your answers. When you review the recording, focus on what you are saying and how you are saying it. Make sure you avoid engaging in any distracting behaviors. Sit straight to look confident, use your hands and tone to emphasize essential aspects, and maintain proper eye contact.

7) Follow Up with Gratitude

After completing the one-way interview, send the hiring manager or recruiter a thank-you email. Express your appreciation for the opportunity to interview and reiterate your interest in the position. This gesture demonstrates professionalism and leaves a positive impression.

By implementing these tips, you are well-equipped to confidently navigate one-way interviews and showcase your qualifications and strengths effectively. By dedicating time to prepare and practice for your next interview, you'll be able to showcase the best version of yourself. With this simple step, you can increase your chances of success and make a lasting impression on your potential employer. Remember, the more you invest in yourself, the higher your chances of achieving your career goals. So, what are you waiting for? Start preparing today!