**Uncommon Actions for Extraordinary Success** 

1. **Be a Top-Level Asker**: Don’t fear rejection. Ask important or high-status people for what you want. Even one "yes" out of many "no’s" can propel you far.

2. **Presuppose Greatness**: Don't aim to achieve goals but act as if you've already accomplished them. This shift in mindset will set you apart.

3. **Simplify Daily**: Strip away unnecessary complexities. Focus on simplicity in every aspect of life, making progress easier.

4. **Prioritize Uncomfortable Conversations**: Address difficult topics head-on. Courageous communication can give you a significant advantage.

5. **Be Aggressively Countercultural**: Don’t follow the crowd. Identify what the majority thinks is best and consider doing the opposite.

6. **Choose Bigger Problems**: Embrace larger challenges. The problems you tackle reflect the magnitude of your ambitions.

7. **Create Mystery**: Maintain unpredictability in your public persona. Keep people guessing and intrigued by your next move.

8. **Commit to Becoming Elite in One Thing**: Focus on mastering a single pursuit with relentless dedication.

9. **Bias Toward What's Working**: Identify what works well in your life and expand on it. Focus on actions that bring success and vitality.

By adopting these strategies, you position yourself in the top 2% of individuals who truly excel and make a significant impact.