A manufacturing company that gives formerly incarcerated people a second chance has a rock bottom turnover saving hundreds of thousands a year

 April marks Second Chance Month, a nationwide initiative shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals reentering society post-incarceration.

Reintegrating into the workforce poses a significant hurdle despite the vast untapped potential of formerly incarcerated individuals.

**Nehemiah Manufacturing: Leading the Way**

- Nehemiah Manufacturing, an Ohio-based company renowned for producing household products like Tide to-go pens and laundry stain remover, exemplifies excellence in second-chance hiring practices.

- Over 170 formerly incarcerated individuals, constituting nearly 70% of the workforce, are employed by Nehemiah, showcasing a commitment to societal reintegration and a thriving workforce.

**Success Through Support**

- Nehemiah's CEO, Dan Meyer, attributes their remarkable success to the foundation of love, dignity, and respect upon which the company operates.

- By providing essential social services such as affordable housing, educational programs, and holistic support systems, Nehemiah ensures the well-being and professional growth of its employees.

**A Holistic Approach to Rehabilitation**

- Nehemiah's "Restore, Refresh, and Renew" program, akin to an "in-house AA," fosters open discussions and a sense of community among employees.

- Regular social events and the availability of comprehensive social services highlight Nehemiah's unique approach to supporting employee success and well-being.

**Transformative Impact**

- The company's emphasis on social services and employee support translates into a significant decrease in turnover rates and enhanced productivity.

- The innovative strategy not only enriches the lives of formerly incarcerated individuals but also yields cost savings for the company, strengthening the business and the community.

**Beacon of Hope: Extending the Reach**

- Recognizing the limitations in hiring all eligible individuals, Meyer established the Beacon of Hope Business Alliance.

- Composed of 66 member companies committed to second chance programs, the alliance leverages talent and opportunities for hundreds of formerly incarcerated individuals, promoting societal reintegration and empowerment.

**A Call to Action**

- Nehemiah's ethos echoes Meyer's belief in making a positive impact daily, one person at a time, underlining the transformative power of purposeful actions in creating a better future for individuals and businesses alike.  

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