States With Highest Rates Of Workplace Discrimination And Retaliation


According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, some states have higher rates of workplace discrimination. Retaliation is the most common form, occurring when employers take action against employees for reporting workplace harassment or discrimination. In Fiscal Year 2022, the EEOC received 73,485 new discrimination charges, a nearly 20% increase from the previous year, and handled over 475,000 calls, an 18% increase from the previous year. EEO laws prohibit punishing job applicants or employees for asserting their rights, known as "protected activity." Tennessee has the highest rate of workplace discrimination charges, followed by Arkansas, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Maryland, Mississippi, Illinois, North Carolina, and Delaware.  

Discrimination at work hurts the entire organization. Retaliation exacerbates the problem. If you or someone you know has been the victim of discrimination, don’t stay silent. You can go online and submit a claim to the EEOC. And many states have agencies and field offices where you can file a complaint. The Tennessee Human Rights Commission handles such complaints, and there are similar organizations across the country. Locations such as the Texas Workforce Commission, or the Department of Labor in New York State will process discrimination claims. Work is hard enough as it is, without having to endure discrimination - make sure you stand up for your rights. Consult your local and federal agencies as well as legal counsel when filing a workforce discrimination claim.

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