Gen Z could overtake Boomers in the workforce in 2024: This has ‘sweeping implications,’ economist says


The U.S. workforce is on the brink of a significant shift as Gen Z prepares to outnumber Baby Boomers next year. This transition is significant in shaping the priorities and dynamics of workplaces. With Boomers reaching retirement age and Gen Z entering the workforce, employers are recognizing the need to adapt to the distinct values and expectations of the younger generation.

Gen Z's outlook on work is influenced by the unique circumstances they've experienced, including political upheaval and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Their preferences lean toward employers who demonstrate social responsibility, offer opportunities for advancement, and foster creativity. Additionally, they value flat organizational structures and desire to have their voices heard regardless of their tenure.

Compared to older generations, Gen Z is more inclined to engage in political discussions at work and expects company leadership to be vocal about issues that matter to them. They prioritize a healthy work-life balance and are keen on flexible job arrangements that allow for in-person interactions, even if it means working in public spaces like coffee shops.

As they embark on their careers, many Gen Zers prioritize personal and professional development opportunities along with consistent feedback. A large majority are willing to leave their jobs if they feel these needs are not being met, and they are not afraid to change jobs if they are dissatisfied with their work situations. This generational shift is prompting employers to reconsider how they retain and motivate their youngest employees.  

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