First In-N-Out Burger in Idaho Sparks 8-Hour Wait for Orders The cold, nor the long lines, stopped locals from getting a taste of the California delight

 In-N-Out Burger is making its way across the country. The iconic West Coast burger joint opened its first location in Idaho, and folks showed out on opening day. The location is in Meridian, a Boise suburb, and despite the chilling cold, hungry locals camped out the night before in 30-degree weather to get their close spots in line. It still wasn't enough as TMZ reports some waited in line, whether for in-store orders or drive-thru, for upward of eight hours. A video posted on the site shows the drive-thru line for the burger joint with a warning sign of a 7-8 hour wait. It didn't deter any who wanted a taste. And they didn't mind waiting. One guest in line told Idaho News 6: "Listen I've been hopeful for a long time, I have been waiting for years. I actually drove by here about a month ago, and took a picture of the store with the chain link still up." And they're used to the cold, and prepared, with another telling reporter, "I said you know I got an extra sweatshirt in the back of the car, put it on, and let's just warrior it out!"

Some even went back for seconds and thirds, practically making In-N-Out their breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "I've been here since 8:15. This is my third time through the line. So now the line is quite a bit longer but, pretty great. Already had the double-double. Now going back for a shake and maybe an animal-style fry," said one burger lover told the news outlet.

The Idaho store marks the chain's 400th store, opening on the company's 75th anniversary. In-N-Out is primarily spread throughout California, with some in Nevada. Expansion plans include a Tennessee opening in 2026 and New Mexico in 2027. There are no plans for In-N-Out to expand to the northern region in states like New York as of yet.

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