We’ve been getting job training all wrong

The shortage of skilled workers is a major concern for business leaders, with nearly half of digital transformations being impeded by a lack of qualified personnel. This issue isn't solely about missing workers but also about individuals being in the wrong roles and needing to be equipped with the necessary skills. While certain industries like manufacturing and health services experience a labor shortage, others, such as construction, have a surplus of workers.

The increasing automation and machine learning are expected to affect two-thirds of jobs in Europe and the U.S., with certain occupations like office and administrative work, legal jobs, and architecture being more susceptible to automation.

To address this talent shortage, it's crucial to understand how humans learn best. Traditional learning and development methods are not effective or fast enough to keep pace with the evolving skill demands of the modern workplace. Organizations need new methods to train employees in essential skills quickly and to demonstrate that these skills are job-ready. Upgrading skills through hands-on learning experiences, which allow individuals to simulate real-world scenarios in a safe environment, can help bridge the skills gap and ensure that employees are capable of applying their skills effectively.

Furthermore, given the rapid evolution of job roles due to automation and AI, it's becoming increasingly difficult to find individuals with the exact experience required for new positions. This makes it essential to focus on building a pipeline of talent prepared for unknown roles through hands-on learning. Upskilling should involve a practical element to make it more efficient, faster, and easier to remember, thereby ensuring that organizations can seize the opportunities presented by the future of work.  

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