The A.I. revolution will also be a gender revolution as disruption revaluates women’s skills

 The relentless advance of AI has led to concerns about job loss, with predictions of millions of jobs being displaced or downgraded by artificial intelligence. However, while the focus has been on the negative impacts of AI on the job market, little attention has been given to the professional opportunities it will generate. Jobs that require abstract thinking and interpersonal skills are less likely to be threatened by AI, and innovative employees will be crucial in developing new products and services. 

Interestingly, these soft skills have traditionally been associated with femininity. Girls have shown a greater preference for jobs that involve higher levels of cognitive and social interaction from a young age, and this trend continues in the workplace. Women are more likely than men to choose people-oriented jobs. With AI making these skills even more valuable, we may see an increase in the representation of women in senior leadership positions.

The introduction of disruptive technologies like AI creates a highly competitive economy that rewards standout performers. To succeed in this environment, companies need to foster a culture of diversity and empowerment. In the past, some companies have focused on individualistic and combative approaches, which led to limited innovation and high turnover rates. It is important to shift towards a collaborative model, driven by empathetic leaders who encourage open dialogue and challenge confirmation biases.

This inclusive innovation model benefits women, who have often been penalized for exhibiting assertiveness. By rewarding and incentivizing empathetic leaders, women can be recognized for their skills and contributions. Moreover, research has shown that companies with diverse executive teams have higher profitability. As AI transforms businesses, the need for diversity will become even more pronounced.

Rather than viewing AI as a threat, we should see it as an opportunity to fulfill corporate diversity pledges that can benefit the bottom line. The future of successful businesses lies in empowering and rewarding women's talents as part of a broader business performance strategy.  

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