Hollywood Writers and Studios to Restart Talks After 3-Month Standoff A strike by writers and actors has caused nearly a complete production shutdown of scripted entertainment.

 According to the Writers Guild of America, the major entertainment studios and thousands of striking writers have agreed to meet and restart talks after a three-month standoff. The guild received an email from the studio negotiator, Carol Lombardini, requesting a meeting to discuss negotiations. This development comes as the first sign of movement in the stalemate that began in early May when negotiations between the writers and studios fell apart. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, which negotiates on behalf of the studios, declined to comment.

The ongoing stalemate has led to a near-complete production shutdown of scripted entertainment in the United States. It was anticipated that the studios would first attempt to restart negotiations with SAG-AFTRA, the actors' union, as historically they have been more open to negotiations. However, this recent meeting announcement shows a shift in focus toward resolving the writers' strike. Tens of thousands of actors joined the writers in a simultaneous walkout on July 14, marking the first time since 1960 that actors and writers have gone on strike together. It is worth noting that both the writer's and actors' guilds have a history of walking out when negotiations reach an impasse, with the writers' most recent strike occurring in 2008 and the actors' strike in 1980. 

The dynamics surrounding the negotiations have shifted recently. SAG-AFTRA president Fran Drescher, widely known for her role in "The Nanny," has strongly criticized studio executives, including Disney's CEO Robert A. Iger. This fiery criticism has caused some studio executives to believe that the writers may be more open to negotiations. The writers and actors decided to go on strike due to concerns about their compensation levels and working conditions, as the impact of streaming content has affected various aspects of the entertainment industry.

The writers union has described their grievances as "existential" and they are fighting for their survival. Chris Keyser, a chair of the guild negotiating committee, emphasized this in a video address to members. However, he also extended what he referred to as an "olive branch" to the studios. He urged the studio chiefs to envision a solution instead of prolonging the stalemate, emphasizing that it is a negotiation, not a war. Keyser emphasized the unity of the writers and their determination, stating that the industry cannot progress without their writing, and they will not resume writing until they receive fair compensation.

This context indicates that the writers and actors are standing firm in their demands, while also expressing a willingness to engage in meaningful negotiations with the studios. 

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