College professors are going back to paper exams and handwritten essays to fight students using ChatGPT

 In recent times, the increasing number of students utilizing the AI program ChatGPT as a shortcut in their coursework has led to a reconsideration of lesson plans by some college professors for the upcoming fall semester. As OpenAI's ChatGPT continues to advance, it has achieved notable accomplishments such as obtaining the highest score on an AP Biology exam and successfully passing a freshman year at Harvard with a 3.34 GPA. This progress has raised questions concerning the role of AI in education, prompting schools to adopt varying approaches. While some institutions have chosen to ban the use of ChatGPT entirely, others are exploring ways to incorporate it as a learning tool.

As summer break draws to a close, some college professors are now seeking strategies to combat the use of generative AI, aiming to make their exams "ChatGPT-proof," as reported by Fortune. Traditional questioning methods, like asking students to provide concise explanations, may no longer be effective, as ChatGPT can easily generate appropriate answers to such questions. Concerned educators have expressed their intention to revert to handwritten assignments and oral exams as a means to circumvent the use of generative AI. Philosophy professor Christopher Bartel from Appalachian State University, for instance, stated that he plans to conduct oral exams, emphasizing the importance of students being able to articulate their knowledge rather than relying on AI-generated text. Similarly, a Canadian writing professor has proposed personalized assignments to discourage the use of ChatGPT in essay writing, as reported by Fox News.

Interestingly, ChatGPT usage experienced a drop of almost 10% from May to June. Some speculate that the decline could be attributed to most students being on summer break. Experts believe that if students constitute the primary user base for the program, it may pose challenges for OpenAI. Mark Shmulik, an internet analyst, expressed concern over a narrower audience and reduced use cases if the drop in ChatGPT usage is mainly due to students being on vacation, as stated in Insider's report.

Overall, the increase in ChatGPT usage among students has prompted college professors to adapt their teaching methods and explore alternative assessment strategies. The discussions surrounding the role of AI in education continue, with institutions attempting to strike a balance between leveraging AI as a tool for learning and ensuring the authenticity and integrity of students' work.  

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