Women who feel unhappy with their salaries are less likely than men to push for a pay rise, new survey finds

 According to a recent survey conducted by Ciphr, an HR systems company, it was found that women are still facing pay disparities at work and are less likely to feel confident in requesting a pay rise. The survey, which involved 1,000 adults working full-time in the UK, discovered that over a third of men had asked their employers for a pay increase, while only 26% of women felt comfortable doing the same. Furthermore, almost half of men who were dissatisfied with their pay due to a mismatch with their skills recently requested a raise, compared to only 32% of women in a similar situation.

The survey also highlighted that women often feel undervalued, with 45% stating that their pay does not reflect their experience, skills, and the value they bring to their organization. Additionally, 44% of women mentioned that their pay does not adequately reflect the roles and responsibilities they undertake for their employers. In contrast, 49% of men feel that they are fairly compensated for their skills and experience, and just over half believe that their pay accurately reflects their current roles and responsibilities.

Surprisingly, the survey revealed that even men who were uncertain about receiving unfair pay were still more inclined to ask for a salary raise compared to women who were dissatisfied with their wages. As a consequence, women were more likely to express difficulties affording sick leave, and they also reported being more overwhelmed by stress and money worries compared to men.

Previous surveys have consistently shown that British women often feel less empowered to address pay discrepancies. A Glassdoor survey in 2021 indicated that half of the UK women lacked the confidence to ask for a pay rise and were 25% less likely to do so compared to their male counterparts. Jill Cotton, Glassdoor's career expert, attributed this disparity in part to a culture of pay secrecy within companies, leaving many women unsure about what they should negotiate for. Cotton emphasized the importance of companies fostering an open and honest discussion about salaries, starting from the job advertisement stage and continuing throughout employees' tenure. She stated that having clear salary bands helps to minimize the need for negotiation, which, as evidenced by Glassdoor's research, negatively impacts women's earning potential throughout their careers. 

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