Job listings asking for generative AI skills are soaring, analysis finds

According to a recent study by Adzuna, job postings requiring skills related to generative AI are on the rise. The study found that in May alone, Adzuna advertised 1,496 job vacancies in the US citing generative AI. This marks a considerable increase from just 185 job listings in January and only three listings in May 2022. 

Companies have been scrambling to incorporate the latest AI products into their workflows to increase efficiency and reduce costs. This trend has popularized certain job roles, including "prompt engineers" who can earn up to $375,000 annually, but has also raised concerns about AI's potential to replace human workers. 

Despite this, the average advertised salary for jobs citing generative AI is $146,244, and the average for jobs requiring working with ChatGPT is $133,000. The top sectors citing the AI trend are the IT, engineering, scientific and QA, accounting and finance, and sales industries. Adzuna predicts that companies will continue to post more job ads citing generative AI, ChatGPT, and chatbots throughout the year. 

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