Stop Recruiting Gen Z Like Millennials


Employers eager to attract the best young employees are too often delivering the wrong messages to the wrong people at the wrong times.
Employers often make the mistake of overselling job positions in order to fill vacancies, leading prospective employees to have false expectations about the job. Companies may invest in expensive recruitment campaigns, but if the message is not genuine, it is a waste of resources. The days of using trendy perks to attract young talent are gone. Employers must be honest about their brand, realistic about short-term rewards, and flexible in meeting the needs of applicants. It may be necessary to update and revamp employer branding strategies. Companies with established reputations may rely on their brand, but trust in the company's resources is not enough to guarantee applicants' interest.
Employers need to be careful not to let their consumer brand and employer brand get mixed up. A company might present a glamorous and exciting image to its customers, but that isn't necessarily the message they want to send to potential employees. It's important to establish a brand as an employer that stands on its own, based on what the company has to offer its employees. 

Many companies still offer the same old-fashioned long-term career opportunities and benefits to their employees. For the younger generation of workers, this isn't always enough to make a strong recruiting pitch. While they may be curious about potential long-term opportunities, what really concerns them are the short-term benefits and opportunities. Employers need to focus on offering specific and tangible benefits to attract young job seekers. If a company's recruiting message doesn't address these concerns, it won't be effective in attracting top talent.
As a helpful assistant, it is important to understand that every job applicant is unique and their priorities regarding work vary depending on their current stage in life. For most young people starting their career, there are six stages to consider. 

Firstly, some applicants may be taking stock of their career goals and may see a potential opportunity with your organization to build their record of accomplishment. However, they may eventually leave for the job they truly desire. 

Secondly, there are applicants who view work as a place to socialize with friends. Although creating a peer group at work can be appealing for retention, this may not last long-term if the individual's social relations are their primary focus instead of work. 

Thirdly, some applicants seek work that aligns with their personal interests and values. They may bring energy and enthusiasm to their job, but this can lead to burnout over time. 

Fourthly, some applicants see a job as an opportunity to work hard for a short period with the hope of a significant payoff. However, if they lose confidence in their chances for a big payout, they may lose motivation and seek easier work for less pay. 

Fifthly, some applicants value a job that helps them meet a particular need or want, such as a specific schedule or location. As long as their needs are met, they are more likely to stay with the organization. 

Lastly, the best-case scenario is when an applicant views the job as a chance to make an impact and build themselves up with the organization's resources. As long as the organization supports its self-building, they are likely to stay for a sustained period. 

To stand out as an employer, it is important to determine which of these scenarios the organization can support and integrate that into the recruiting process. It is essential to understand the applicant's priorities and short-term needs and communicate how the organization can meet those needs. Although long-term retention cannot be guaranteed, a just-in-time investment in the short-term can pay off better than any long-term career-building plan.

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