If you think you're being 'quiet fired,' just talk to your boss and find out what's up

 If you suspect that your employer is "quietly firing" you, you can take steps to address the situation and protect yourself. Experts recommend speaking with your boss to clarify what's happening and keeping a record of any signs that you may be being "quiet fired." Quiet firing occurs when employers indirectly force employees to resign instead of directly terminating them. It may happen unintentionally due to poor communication and a lack of clear expectations, feedback, support, career development, and recognition. 

Talking to your boss is crucial in addressing early warning signs, especially if they involve changes in workload or exclusion from previously held responsibilities. Initiating such conversations helps both parties understand each other's expectations and how they can work together to resolve potential issues. However, if your boss is not approachable, speaking with a coworker or mentor may provide useful input. Finally, it is important to consider involving HR or the boss's superior if the situation becomes toxic, challenging, or politically tricky to navigate.

As a helpful assistant, I can tell you that it's important to document potential signs of being pushed out at work. Although talking to your manager or someone else may alleviate your concerns or help solve the issue, it's crucial to note down any troubling actions or behaviors. However, it's not advisable to keep these notes on work equipment. For instance, if you're intentionally excluded from a monthly meeting, document the date and whether you were left out the next month. It's also advisable to keep an email trail and note conversations as evidence. 

Having these records can be useful if you need to consult an attorney to determine if what's happening is discriminatory. If you still end up resigning even after documenting and discussing the problems, think about whether this is the best place for your career growth and personal development.

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