Hey everyone,
Welcome to my blog with another article but this time on a little bit different subject from travel and fashion, but let’s say this is my way of style to overcome difficult situations when needed.
If you go through my profile and the blogs that I write you would probably see how positive I am and you wouldn’t guess there is some issue in my life right? Well.. not exactly! Everybody is having issues and problems they are dealing with in their everyday life. And no matter how strong we are sometimes we just need to hear somebody else’s opinion and point of view, just to see that we are not alone in this cruel world. 🌎
I started to write blogs and created my website not only because I love fashion but also because I have a passion for content creation and I’d like to give something to the people that read my blog, to give them a reason, to learn something from my experience and to bring inspiration.
So here is the thing. I lost my job just last Friday. Yeap you heard that right👂 So what happened? Well, I used to work for an iGaming company in Malta for almost 10 months so far. I was working as a Marketing Coordinator in the marketing department of the company.
So on Friday I went to work as a very normal day of my life, did my coffee, sit on my deck, prepared my tasks for the day, checked my inbox 📨, etc. All of a sudden I am receiving an email from the HR of the company that I and one more colleague of mine need to visit the main office. Of course, my reaction was very calm and peaceful but from the inside, I have to tell you the truth my heart was beating so fast and I was very worried because I knew something is up!
And so we sat together, I saw my manager very upset and they just told us the truth that we are being deducted due to a company restructuring. You can imagine how I felt at this moment, I was very upset from the inside but instead, I showed a very big smile, kept my shoulders up and I said to myself “It’s okay you will get over this, you are strong!”
I signed the documents, went out of the office smiling to everyone, being extremely positive, went to my deck, took everything I had there as personal belongings, and went to leave the company computer proudly without showing any emotion! Of course, every and each of my colleagues was devastated and very sad about how things ended, everyone came to me with a big hug and great wishes. But instead of crying and showing how disappointed I was, I kept on smiling and showing that I am positive about this situation.
No matter where you are working, there will be always people jealous for something they don’t have but you do or for some other reason. So why am I saying that? I am saying that because believe me there were a lot of people hoping for me to break down, to show my emotion, to show my weakness, to fall apart. Well, guess what, I didn’t give them that satisfaction and will never do!
This is not the first time I am fired for one or another reason. During the years of my experience and everything, I have been through I learned to be strong, and to fight because these situations are teaching us to become stronger and when that happens we see life from a different perspective!
So here is what I learned from my experience:
- Everything is happening for reason.
- Mistakes make us better people and make us who we are.
- Never give up, no matter what!
- Use what you’ve learned for your own advantage.
- Never ever show your weaknesses in front of others, especially in the working place. Why? Because they will take advantage of this and will use it against you!
- Always show that you are above the intrigues and words you hear against you, fight, be strong and leave self-confident!