Young workers say working 4 days a week would actually make them better employees

A recent survey conducted by CNBC/Generation Lab provides a compelling exploration of workweek preferences among young professionals aged 18 to 34. Here's a breakdown of the major insights:

- **Support for Shortened Workweek**: A striking 81% of the surveyed young professionals believe that reducing the workweek by a day could enhance productivity at their companies.

- **Preference for Work Locations**: When asked about their preferred locations for optimal productivity, 60% of respondents favored the office environment, while 40% found their homes to be more conducive for work.

- **Perception of Vacation vs. Compensation**: Approximately 75% of those surveyed preferred to maintain their current salaries rather than trading in a portion of their pay for more vacation days.

#### Global Trends and Experiments

- **Dominican Republic Trial**: The Dominican Republic began a six-month experiment in 2023 with a 36-hour workweek in some major companies, exploring the viability of a reduced work schedule.

- **Colorado Police Department Experience**: A police department in Colorado decreased its work hours from 40 to 32 per week. The commander reported that the officers were more energetic and engaged, yielding "fantastic" results.

#### Influential Opinions

- **Bill Gates on AI and Work Hours**: Bill Gates speculated that advancements in AI and technology could reduce the traditional workweek to as few as three days.

- **Counterpoint by Binny Gill**: Conversely, tech CEO Binny Gill warned that AI might lead to companies operating around the clock, thereby increasing the demands on employees rather than decreasing them.

#### Alternative Workweek Structures

- **Basis Technologies’ Approach**: Basis Technologies has implemented a 4.5-day workweek where employees conclude their work at noon on Fridays. This model serves as a middle ground for companies considering but not yet fully committed to a shorter full workweek.

The discourse around the length of the workweek continues to evolve with compelling arguments and trials that test the efficacy and impact of reduced hours. While the traditional five-day workweek prevails at many companies, the growing preference among younger professionals for more flexibility and the emerging positive outcomes from global experiments may influence broader adoption in various industries.  

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