Here’s why it is so hard to quit your job—and 5 warning signs it is time to leave


The past few years have seen a significant increase in the number of workers leaving their jobs, with a record-breaking 50 million people quitting their jobs in 2022, surpassing the previous year's record of 48 million. This phenomenon, referred to as "The Great Resignation" by Anthony Klotz, has captured public attention and sparked discussions about whether it's time for individuals to consider leaving their own jobs.

Leaving a job can be challenging for various reasons. Early in our careers, finding a good job can be difficult, leading us to fiercely protect what we have achieved. As a result, we may overlook warning signs, suppress our instincts, and make excuses for poor behavior, bad leadership, or an unsatisfactory work environment. We might even blame ourselves or convince ourselves that we need to make sacrifices for the sake of our jobs.

Despite the natural reluctance to quit a job, there are specific signs that may indicate it's time to move on. These include being consistently denied opportunities for career development, dealing with a terrible boss, feeling unfulfilled by the nature of the work, encountering ethical or moral challenges within the company, and experiencing inadequate compensation compared to the market.

For those who find it difficult to recognize these signs or feel undeserving of something better, seeking help and changing the narrative in their heads is crucial. One way to do this is by turning to trusted people in their personal lives for a different perspective on their career satisfaction. By asking for their honest assessment, individuals can gain valuable insight into their feelings about their jobs and open the door to constructive discussions.

Leaving a job can bring about positive changes, but it's important to plan carefully and allow sufficient time to develop and execute a solid exit strategy. Giving oneself six to nine months to prepare and start taking steps towards a new opportunity while still employed can make the transition smoother and more successful.  

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