My company runs on a 4-day workweek. Our days can be intense but revenue has increased and we're never going back.


RocketAir, a global design and strategy firm, made the decision to adopt a permanent four-day workweek in November 2022. This decision was made after considering the success of companies that had experimented with a four-day workweek, particularly in the UK. Initially, RocketAir started with a three-month trial period to assess its feasibility.

During the trial period, RocketAir conducted regular pulse surveys to gather feedback from their team members. The results showed an increase in employee well-being, productivity, and work relationships. Notably, employees with young children at home reported that the four-day workweek significantly improved their work-life balance. Other benefits reported included improved mental health, increased time for personal development outside of work, and a more positive attitude toward work.

Despite the condensed workweek being appreciated by employees, it was acknowledged that the workload on each workday became more intense. To mitigate this, RocketAir implemented certain strategies. They advised against scheduling meetings after 5 p.m. local time, encouraged team members to block off time on their calendars for focused work, and emphasized thoughtful communication methods such as Slack messages, emails, or Loom videos. Additionally, RocketAir had to address challenges related to collaborating with external teams that typically met on Fridays. Communication and setting boundaries played a crucial role in overcoming these hurdles. Prior to the adoption of the four-day workweek, RocketAir had already implemented a "No Meeting Fridays" policy, which helped establish a habit of protecting time and communicating boundaries to external partners.

Introducing a four-day workweek required RocketAir to examine its existing communication channels and processes. They conducted an audit of meeting times and explored platforms that could streamline communication further. This allowed for more focused work and provided team members with opportunities to gain perspective or recharge.

To ensure the success of the four-day workweek, RocketAir emphasized the importance of getting buy-in from their clients. Fortunately, they did not face significant pushback from clients when they initially rolled out the new workweek. Clients were receptive to the idea as long as RocketAir continued to meet deadlines and maintain the quality of their work. Moreover, the four-day workweek had a positive impact on RocketAir's business revenue, with double-digit growth in 2022. Having an extended weekend allowed employees to fully recharge, and the additional day off provided more time for personal pursuits and hobbies.

Based on their experience, RocketAir offered advice for other companies considering a four-day workweek. They recommend running a pilot for at least three months to experiment, learn, and optimize the approach. Companies in the service industry should ensure that a shorter workweek benefits clients too and should secure buy-in from existing clients before moving forward. Developing a thorough communications strategy is crucial, involving clients in the conversation and considering their feedback. Additionally, companies should evaluate their billing model if it's tied to time and ensure that the shorter workweek is sustainable for all employees, including parents and caregivers. Lastly, leaders should model ideal behaviors by using the extra day off for personal pursuits and encouraging a culture of unplugging and rejuvenation.  

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