1:1’s make remote work, WORK!

 1:1’s are so essential in today’s workplaces, that it’s important to create a corporate culture where 1:1s are a respectful two-way discussion.

The main concept in all the classes & conferences I attended, is that the future of work is VERY EXCITING and offers endless OPPORTUNITIES TO EVERYONE!

If it’s on someecards — it’s probably not the right approach!

We were a diligent team though and collected queries for the meetings when they occurred.

It should be a great opportunity to clear these up!

Help clarify your current S.W.O.T. status to know where you stand.


1:1’s are often the only time to hear your employees, as well as let them know where they can improve, where they may be of value to the company in the future, and listen to employee suggestions & concerns.

To employees & leaders, let’s try a different sentiment towards 1:1's!

- Keep them regular occurrences to tackle any issues quickly.

- As much as possible, cameras on — let your remote team see the people they work for and with! It makes a big difference.

- Send an agenda ahead so time is maximized and everyone is prepared. It’s standard protocol in most online meetings!

- Send a summary of the meeting afterward. To ensure you are on the same page, set deadlines for goals set and assign trackable project management techniques.

Keep it short, but show up and give your best.

These skills will be useful for years to come, are new skills, and you can be a trailblazer! Turn a bad situation to your advantage!

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