1:1’s are so essential in today’s workplaces, that it’s important to create a corporate culture where 1:1s are a respectful two-way discussion.
Often, it’s the most important contact you’ll have with your remote supervisor.

I have worked with a large global workforce who were remote working before … well before everyone was remotely working!
I was placed by a global, recognized Human Resources company, that I assumed had masses of employee support & training formats.
I looked forward to learning much from both company’s experience and knowledge.
Aswith many companies over the turbulent past years, we have been through mergers and buy-outs and the like. Our all-hands-on-deck meetings stopped completely, which was the start of the general fear & uncertainty. Then, just at the crucial moment when direct management could make a crucial impact on the remote team, they appeared to do the opposite! They seem to panic without their previous corporate structures. Regrettably, for the team below them, this meant we lost all sense of direction, goal setting, future planning, opportunities for suggestions, and most importantly, no concept of the corporation at large!
It is impossible, stressful & definitely burnout material to constantly guess what is happening in your own company, and what their current focus is.
So much energy previously invested in productivity & improvement was spent second-guessing ourselves, and our team!
The workplace, communication, remote work connections & leadership, management and the global economy changed so much, that I became quite interested in learning more about how to navigate this new territory!

The main concept in all the classes & conferences I attended, is that the future of work is VERY EXCITING and offers endless OPPORTUNITIES TO EVERYONE!
If you are prepared to adapt & learn, which appears to be quite a big if .

If you are in a leadership position and are uncertain of your leadership ability, don’t despair!
Tech is here!
It’s all integrated already, to help you become the best remote leader you can be!

1:1s have become something to dread in our work environment.
Seldom hear from our supervisor, so when a 1:1 is dropped into your calendar, with no note or agenda, you tend to spend ages speculating what you’ve done!
We were a diligent team though and collected queries for the meetings when they occurred.
It should be a great opportunity to clear these up!
Help clarify your current S.W.O.T. status to know where you stand.
There are so many fantastic agendas for 1 to 1s available, as well as great integrations in Slack & Microsoft for starters. Great tools, from knowleagable & studied sources to use a format towards employee retention and productivity.
If you are working in any remote structure, take a template from the professionals!
I love this quick, to-the-point template in
I have had two 1:1s in the past year.
It’s absolutely not enough for a constantly changing, vibrant, international e-commerce site.
Questions, frustrations, and uncertainty had built up a lot in that time.
Remote workers are still (for now!), humans, with human needs for acknowledgment, direction, and motivation. Even negative constructive feedback lets you know you are noticed, and important and your work is seen!
1:1’s are often the only time to hear your employees, as well as let them know where they can improve, where they may be of value to the company in the future, and listen to employee suggestions & concerns.
(Before it becomes uncontrollable gossip!)
I see many cartoons allude to most 1:1s having such a one way approach, that they could really have been an email!

To employees & leaders, let’s try a different sentiment towards 1:1's!
- Keep them regular occurrences to tackle any issues quickly.
- As much as possible, cameras on — let your remote team see the people they work for and with! It makes a big difference.
- Send an agenda ahead so time is maximized and everyone is prepared. It’s standard protocol in most online meetings!
- Send a summary of the meeting afterward. To ensure you are on the same page, set deadlines for goals set and assign trackable project management techniques.
(That small interaction may well be, the face of the company/ brand/ team that encourages remote workers when they need it.)
Keep it short, but show up and give your best.
Remote teams work, they are not going away. Let’s learn to master it!

Iknow we’ve all had very different experiences, please do share more on the does & do not of 1:1s!
(With a potential promotion in your future … !)